Thursday 30 March 2017

"No love is greater than mom's love... No care is greater than Dad's care..."

Dear Parents / Guardians,

When a child is born, then at the same time a parent is also born. It’s the first time that we have this new identity of our own as a parent, a new personality which is invited upon us through a new calling. This is what we call parenthood. It’s the first time that, despite spending only seconds with this new being, we are willing to make sacrifices without thinking twice. This new life becomes an inseparable part of ourselves as everything takes on a whole new meaning in the ways we think, act and speak. That’s the reason why mothers are always devoted to their duty – always being close, always being present, always being MOM & DAD.

As we celebrated the occasion of UAE Mother’s Day in March, we are especially reminded of the instrumental role played by parents, especially mothers, in a child’s developmental journey.

May we always be thankful to our own parents for the gifts of life and love bestowed upon us, appreciating the special bond between parent and child that remains unchanged by time or distance—the purest of love, unconditional and true.

Mrs. Xenia Giannaki

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Strengthening Family Relations at Second Home Nursery School

Dear Parents / Guardians,

It’s our policy to offer the best that we can to help parents in developing healthy relationships within the family members. In the spirit of love for children and family values, we raise our efforts to have more meet up sessions for family members so as to make everything easier as we share together experiences, wisdom and expertise. As your second family, we can provide all the essential information you need to raise awareness on family issues that you face daily and you need ways to go through a stressful situation.

Through our sessions, we would like to create discussions on family issues. Even if you have any other children, we welcome them as well to join our sessions while we provide a variety of activities including painting, sticking and puzzles for toddlers. We would also like to meet your friends and relatives and have their feedback and share their experiences, wisdom and expertise.

So, I invite you to come and visit us more often and see what we have to offer. Enjoy a cup of coffee and a chat with other parents or caregivers while the toddlers enjoy themselves in engaging with the other children here at Second Home Nursery School.

As we prepare for spring, we hope to bring more inspiration and joy into your lives and the lives of your families, and we look forward to another great month together.

Mrs. Xenia Giannaki

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Second month - A second chance to bring more love into our homes

Dear Parents / Guardians,

As the first month of the year has come to an end, a fresh month begins, and it’s no coincidence that this second month of the year is celebrated as the month of love.

The month of February comes as a second chance to love life and bring more love into our homes, as we continue striving for improvement in the new year and overcoming our shortcomings from the first month. It is through mistakes that we can make things better and march closer to what we are meant to be. We are in development and are tested continuously as humans. Nobody is perfect. We are not gods, but ordinary mortals who struggle with our weaknesses as a means to cultivate our strengths.

If we have failed so far to change ourselves and overcome personal challenges, then we have another opportunity to leave the ‘squares’ of our minds (the logical and boxed perceptions with which we grew up with) and become more rounded—smoothing these rigid ‘edges’ as we learn from life’s fresh experiences and carry on harmoniously for the rest of the year, constantly evolving as we go on the road of love.

As parents, it is especially important for us to be aware of our selves all the time and adopt an approach of love in overcoming any obstacles we may face personally and in the family, so that we set a good example for our children and enrich our family lives.

Mrs. Xenia Giannaki

Saturday 31 December 2016

Organizing our time for quality family time

Dear Parents / Guardians,

Being a parent nowadays is a challenging task. We all need to work many hours to sustain the costly lifestyle, and this leads to fewer family moments as everyone’s own timings seem to be working mostly against our family programme. Although the schedule is demanding, we have to change the way we think and make sure our priorities stay in order - finding time to be with our beloved children doesn’t have to be so difficult.

As we organize our daily programme and our children arrange their own, we need to also organize a programme that includes joyful activities with our children. We don’t need to spend too much time because children need their time alone as well. We only need to find ways to show our presence, to communicate effectively with them, to show them our love, support and encouragement.

I wish you all to have more quality time, and the festive season is the best opportunity to enjoy with your beloved ones,

Mrs. Xenia Giannaki

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Connecting our children with the knowledge of the past

Dear Parents / Guardians,

During the month of November, we celebrated the National Day of UAE at Second Home Nursery School.

We aimed through this celebration to connect our children hearts with the knowledge of the past. They need through our guidance to know, evaluate and appreciate the history and cultural heritage so they can easily follow the instructions of the past and the unique achievements of those visionairs who set the pillars for the new nation. Following their glorious steps our children can be the creators of a promising tomorrow.

My wish for all of you is to have more strength, more wisdom, more clarified vision to pursue an even better future for your families through the significance of the past because the past defines us. It’s the field upon which we build the promising future.

As late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan said: “He who doesn’t know his past cannot make the best of his present and future, for it is from the past that we learn”

Mrs. Xenia Giannaki

Sunday 30 October 2016

What Makes a Great Teacher - The Example of Annie Sullivan

By Mrs Xenia Giannaki, Headmistress at Second Home Nursery School

Being a teacher is a matter of trust, belief and endless love. Trusting in yourself and believing you have all that you need to touch another heart is the first step on the staircase of knowledge. So what makes a great teacher?

It involves the warm feeling of connection and being part of something valuable for both… It’s about believing in the potential of students and seeing the result they can bring even before you take their hand… It’s about loving them as they are, just like a new present that comes to you, as you unfold their valuable individuality and uniqueness to the world...

When a real teacher appears in your life path, you will definitely know it in your heart. One of the educators stories that really affected my life and left its impressions in my own heart is the story of teacher Annie Sullivan, who mentored the famous Hellen Keller. Anne Sullivan was a skilled, dedicated teacher. Because of Anne Sullivan's patience, persistence, and high expectations, Helen Keller learned to speak, read, write -- and sing!

Explore Annie’s personality and her loving affection to Hellen Keller throughout her life in this first story from our monthly focus on exceptional and inspirational educators.

The following excerpt about her role in Helen Keller's life is taken from the Encyclopedia of World Biography at


"The most significant day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects." - The Story of My Life

After an illness when she was nineteen months old, Helen was left deaf and blind. She could not speak and developed severe behavior problems.

Helen's mother began to search for help. She contacted Alexander Graham Bell who was working with deaf children. Mr. Bell referred Mrs. Keller to the Perkins School for the Blind in Massachusetts. 

The school sent Annie Sullivan, a teacher and former student (who was also visually impaired) to work with Helen.

Anne Sullivan was a skilled, dedicated teacher. Because of Anne Sullivan's patience, persistence, and high expectations, Helen learned to speak, read, write -- and sing!
Helen became an excellent student. After years of studying with Anne, Helen attended the Perkins School. In addition to learning to read English, she learned to read French, German, Greek, Latin and Braille.

Helen spent several years preparing for college before she entered Radcliffe College in 1900. In 1904, she graduated from Radcliffe cum laude. 

Helen Keller was the first deafblind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree.  

While she was a student at Radcliffe, Helen wrote an autobiography, The Story of My Life (1902) with the help of John Albert Macy, her editor. She wrote fourteen books and many articles during her life.

Helen Keller was an activist and a feminist who campaigned for the right of women to vote. She was a lecturer and public speaker and traveled to more than 30 countries. Japan was one of her favorite countries. 

On September 14, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian honor.

Helen Keller died in 1968. She was 87. Shortly before her death, she told a friend, "Through these dark and silent years, God has been using my life for a purpose I do not know. But one day I shall understand and then I shall be satisfied."

Sunday 16 October 2016

Preparing your older child for the newborn baby

By Mrs Xenia Giannaki, Headmistress of Second Home Nursery School

The birth of a newborn baby brings a lot of changes within a household, and it is very common for the other siblings to feel jealous of the new addition to the family. So what can you do as a parent to manage this situation?

1 Self-observation
As a parent, the first thing you need to do is observe yourself. This way you can easily realize any changes in your voice tone or attitude towards your older child – after all, they are still children and do not transform to adults after the birth your newborn child.

2 Making them feel like a priority
When the new baby arrives, it’s up to you to prepare the older child and make sure s/he feels just as important and loved. Instead of a secondary position, try giving them a leadership role and encouraging them to get involved.

3 Spending quality time

While your new baby definitely needs extra attention, make sure you spend enough time with the other child. In between caring for your newborn’s needs, invest in quality time with your older one by reading to them, affectionately holding them and make time to do things together.