Tuesday 31 January 2017

Second month - A second chance to bring more love into our homes

Dear Parents / Guardians,

As the first month of the year has come to an end, a fresh month begins, and it’s no coincidence that this second month of the year is celebrated as the month of love.

The month of February comes as a second chance to love life and bring more love into our homes, as we continue striving for improvement in the new year and overcoming our shortcomings from the first month. It is through mistakes that we can make things better and march closer to what we are meant to be. We are in development and are tested continuously as humans. Nobody is perfect. We are not gods, but ordinary mortals who struggle with our weaknesses as a means to cultivate our strengths.

If we have failed so far to change ourselves and overcome personal challenges, then we have another opportunity to leave the ‘squares’ of our minds (the logical and boxed perceptions with which we grew up with) and become more rounded—smoothing these rigid ‘edges’ as we learn from life’s fresh experiences and carry on harmoniously for the rest of the year, constantly evolving as we go on the road of love.

As parents, it is especially important for us to be aware of our selves all the time and adopt an approach of love in overcoming any obstacles we may face personally and in the family, so that we set a good example for our children and enrich our family lives.

Mrs. Xenia Giannaki

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