Sunday 16 October 2016

Preparing your older child for the newborn baby

By Mrs Xenia Giannaki, Headmistress of Second Home Nursery School

The birth of a newborn baby brings a lot of changes within a household, and it is very common for the other siblings to feel jealous of the new addition to the family. So what can you do as a parent to manage this situation?

1 Self-observation
As a parent, the first thing you need to do is observe yourself. This way you can easily realize any changes in your voice tone or attitude towards your older child – after all, they are still children and do not transform to adults after the birth your newborn child.

2 Making them feel like a priority
When the new baby arrives, it’s up to you to prepare the older child and make sure s/he feels just as important and loved. Instead of a secondary position, try giving them a leadership role and encouraging them to get involved.

3 Spending quality time

While your new baby definitely needs extra attention, make sure you spend enough time with the other child. In between caring for your newborn’s needs, invest in quality time with your older one by reading to them, affectionately holding them and make time to do things together.

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