Dear Parents and Guardians,
Recently, the Ministry Of Education announced the importance of Moral Education as part of the curriculum. Based on that, I have been thinking about how there are so many things we can also learn as adults from our children related to morality.
Children teach us so much about moral education. For example, imagine if we all forgave like little children. If we could say, “I’m sorry” and then go right back to playing together like children do. No bitterness, no holding on, no fight to get right in our hearts to view someone the way we used to before they hurt us— all released.
Children mimic everything you do. It’s amazing how teachable they are and how quickly they absorb information and adapt. Imagine if we could learn like children, be as generous, vulnerable, wholehearted and loving like them. . . Just imagine!
Mrs Xenia Giannaki
Second Home Nursery School