Sunday, 31 July 2016

Children and Moral Education: What we can learn from them

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Recently, the Ministry Of Education announced the importance of Moral Education as part of the curriculum. Based on that, I have been thinking about how there are so many things we can also learn as adults from our children related to morality.

Children teach us so much about moral education. For example, imagine if we all forgave like little children. If we could say, “I’m sorry” and then go right back to playing together like children do. No bitterness, no holding on, no fight to get right in our hearts to view someone the way we used to before they hurt us— all released.

Children mimic everything you do. It’s amazing how teachable they are and how quickly they absorb information and adapt. Imagine if we could learn like children, be as generous, vulnerable, wholehearted and loving like them. . . Just imagine!

Mrs Xenia Giannaki
Second Home Nursery School

Sunday, 10 July 2016

"Eudaimonia" and the virtues we practice at Second Home Nursery School

Our beloved Parents and Friends,

The ancient Greeks called “eudaimonia” our “well being” and they believed that practicing a strong mind in a strong body leads to a happy life. Among what they define as the five crucial elements of well-being, each pursued for its own sake, are: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment.

At Second Home Nursery School, we have done our best throughout this year to accomplish all these virtues in order to feel sure that our graduate students will be well prepared like a good soil for the upcoming seeds that further education may place upon their current promising state.

I wish for each of them to have all the support they may need throughout their lives, and I wish that their love for advancement as they continue their education may be their strongest need.

Thank you all for being with us and I advise you to be always supportive no matter what the future may bring, as love is the most important thing you can offer your children.

I wish our little graduates all the success in their future endeavours as they progress to the next stage of their educational journey.

Thanking you once again and may love be always with you.

Mrs Xenia Giannaki
Second Home Nursery School